Welcome to our blog: original opinion, humor & inspiration—GLBGOP-style
The opinions expressed on this page are those of the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of the GLBGOP, its officers, directors or members.
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America under Tyranny
GLBGOP Board Member India Hynes posts a blog of frustration with which we can all empathize. Read it and grapple with the depth of the onslaught being perpetrated against our freedoms and our country.

The Supreme Court and Trump on the Ballot
An observation from our own Jennifer Zeiter comparing the recent SCOTUS decision to Laguna Politics.

Democrats 2022: Tax, Spend, Regulate…Mutilate
Democrats 2022: Tax, Spend, Regulate…Mutilate

Chicken Little and the Freezing, Burning-Up World
Today, we present a special fable suitable for both kids and parents who should know better!

Mike Levin, Brian Maryott—and the Border
What are the differences in policy of our 49th Congressional Candidates in regards to border policy?

The Laguna Library Question
Why all the money for the library? Is that really good for Laguna?

Biological Males in Women’s Sports
Why are biological males allowed to compete in women’s sports?