Mike Levin, Brian Maryott—and the Border
By Paul Lambros
"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.”
"Others lie repeatedly and shamefully on behalf of a corrupt leftist president, sometimes referred to as the senile-in-chief, or the dishonorable Joseph Biden, Democrat.”
The first expression comes from Shakespeare's play Twelfth Night, which was written around the year 1602. The next quote is mine, made 420 years later, referring to radical Democrat Congressman Mike Levin of California's 49th Congressional District.
Based on Levin's silence you would think he either doesn't know about the millions of illegals that will have crossed our southern border while he has been in office, most without our direct knowledge or accounting, or that he just doesn't care. It turns out Mike cares: he cares about processing these illegals as fast as possible! “It is clear that the Department will need additional resources to combat drug and human trafficking and address an expected influx of migrants at the border over the summer,” Rep. Levin wrote to Secretary Mayorkas. Levin's May 16, 2022 letter to DHS Secretary Mayorkas is completely disingenuous as it proports to care about a raging drug and human trafficking crisis that Levin and the Brandon Administration supersized by reversing the Trump era policies that had been wildly successful. The complete incoherence is here: Rep. Mike Levin Urges DHS Secretary Mayorkas to Request Additional Funding to Manage Southwest Border | U.S. Congressman Mike Levin (house.gov)
Republican candidate for California's 49th, Brian Maryott, has a powerful response to Levin's border cowardice: "As a member of the Democratic Party’s far-left camp, Representative Mike Levin has been in lockstep with the Biden administration’s radical open-border policies, and has demonstrated a commitment to the destruction of the integrity of our nation’s borders for years." "Levin’s recent Congressional voting record has also shown that he supports outright and unconditional amnesty and extended rights for approximately 12 million undocumented migrants, further incentivizing and rewarding criminal behavior, and nullifying the legal immigration process that millions utilized throughout American history to achieve full citizenship." Title 42 & Mike Levin's Open Border (maryottforcongress.com)
Democrats are so opposed to our border and border security laws that they passed their own non-compliance laws here in the states. Sanctuary city and state laws actually encourage illegals to break our laws and take advantage of our "hospitality." To sweeten the pot, these communities will provide "sanctuary" from federal law authorities whenever an illegal decides to commit a crime, including felonies. Isn't that sweet?
It's all free though, right? One group suggests the Biden-burden will add an additional $20 billion to the existing $140 billion per year in existing illegal immigrant costs! FAIR Reveals that Illegal Aliens Released Into the U.S. Under Biden Will Cost American Taxpayers an Additional $20.4 Billion Annually | Federation for American Immigration Reform (fairus.org)
In related news: Due to the Democrat's successful rebranding of America and the now irrelevant and outdated terminology in their old name, "Doctors Without Borders" will now be known as "Doctors."