The New Energy Policy: explained
Ask a Democrat…
Q: Hey, Unknown Democrat! You are looking tanned, rested, and hopefully ready to answer another question. Let's say your goal was to lose 50 pounds of excess weight. Would it be a good idea to try and lose that much weight all at once and just stop eating completely until it was gone?
A: No, that's silly. I would soon die well before my goal was met.
Q: Coincidently, a large percentage of Americans are obese. Should they be forced to lose weight?
A: No, That would be cruel and unwarranted. They should be left in charge of their own bodies. In fact, the constitution has a passage that reads: "my body: my choice!"
Q Interesting! On a related subject, were you happy that under the Trump Administration America was energy independent and became the world's largest exporter of energy?
A: Not at all! The more we rely on and produce carbon-based energy the more damage we are doing to our fragile planet. Clean wind and solar generated energy is the future and the sooner we switch over the better. So I am happy to see that my president immediately took strong steps to reduce U.S. production of fossil fuels.
Q: Even Democrats realize that America needs to replace the energy that was eliminated starting on day one of "your president." Since the mandated "clean" energy options don't exist to replace our needs, this administration is now shopping internationally for the same "dirty" energy that America was producing. To fill the enormous energy void they now hope to strike energy deals with two authoritarian and terrorist sponsoring nations: Iran and Venezuela. Isn't that just a symbolic and ignorant tradeoff that hurts America's economy, American citizens, and American security?
A: It is worth it to signal to the world the need to lower carbon emissions, fight climate change, and save the planet.
Q: The life-blood of every economy is affordable energy. Democrats in leadership positions agree with you: America must suffer through the financial pain and national security threat of energy dependence because one party has an arbitrary long-term carbon reduction goal and now that they are in power, this goal must take priority over all other concerns.
Isn't it just like forcing people to starve just because you think it would be better for them if they lost weight, and the sooner the better?
A: What's your point?
—The Unknown Democrat
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