America under Tyranny
Post and Graphic by India Hynes
Putin silenced his political adversary, Navalny, by killing him. Biden is attempting to silence his political adversary, Trump, by putting him behind bars.
Republicans are the party of law enforcement, however in Bidens’ four years we are changing our outlook:
On The Military:
-We will not have our children in this Biden Military.
-First they are woke.
-Men are Women, Women are Men.
-More concerned about DEI than protecting our country and its soldiers.
How could we win on the ground with our mixed gendered confused Soldiers vs Chinas’ Men, Russian Men? Answer please? I suppose we plan to not have a ground game.
On Law Enforcement:
Law enforcement changed under Biden. Those who came in to serve and protect are now retired or dead. The applicants have a much lower bar of entry. First off, where is the fitness barometer? They are out of shape. Here is an FAQ on LAPD qualifications:
So Republicans are the party of yesteryear’s law enforcement, not todays.
On the Legal System:
The legal system is political. We no longer trust. We are no longer free. Justice is no longer blind.
Democrats martyr George Floyd, who was a dangerous fentanyl drug addicted felon (between 1997 and 2005, Floyd served eight jail terms on various charges, including drug possession, theft, and trespass). Yet they lock up Good Samaritan Daniel Penny who played hero in a New York City subway (
We live in two realities. Under Biden we lost our
-Our Police
-Our Military
What do Republicans stand for?
The few and the proud that are real Americans believe in:
-Merit- “Yes we built that!” The demise of merit started under Obama (
-Hard Work
-Family unity and responsibility
-Freedom of Religion
-Blind Justice
-Private Property
-Low Taxes
-Stop Subsidizing:this should be funded by private money:
Public Radio (its propaganda)
Abortion and non elective surgeries/ hormones with the exception of birth control and condoms)
-Deport non citizens. Path to citizenship with proof of stable work history, no convictions and other qualifications.
-Lower/Raise the time of unemployment fund depending on the market. When unemployment is low, no excuse.
-Tax by percentage
-Reinforce Prisons and Punishment-Stricter Bail and Parole/3 strikes
-Stealing is wrong. PERIOD. (
-Murder is wrong. Period. (
-Fair Elections (all votes returned within 24 hours)
-Homeless and Drug Solution-Family reunification, enlist homeless and drug addicts in a clean up system like the military (uniform, education, exercise, work)
Yet what is happening? DA and Judges release murderers on bail to do it again.
And attempt to jail a past president (and a currently campaigning candidate) for an accounting allocation that was not public accounting, open the law for time bar for one year, in order to have this one case heard, disallow free speech, disallow defense and not be told what the charges were until the end, after closing arguments and somehow make that a 34 count felony….
This is Tyranny.
Jan 6 we Maga Supporters peacefully protested with the tens of thousands that left their comfortable homes to go to cold DC with the belief (we still believe) that the elections were rigged. We were muzzled, as grandmothers were locked up for praying ( The doors to the capital were open, we were invited in! There was no crime here.
When in the 70’s you elected someone Nov 3rd, you knew the results by the next morning. You’re telling me that in this technological age, we have to find out days later if not months later with some elections?
Yes, our elections are rigged.
-Dead people vote
-Illegals vote
-Ballot harvesting is the practice of permitting any individual to collect and return an unlimited number of mail or absentee ballots without a documented chain of custody or proper state oversight.
-Stuffing Ballot boxes
-Dates extended
-No ID necessary
Of course we do not trust the elections, and you shouldn’t either. Remember, Stacy Abram and Hillary Clinton still think their election was not legitimate.
Yes, Biden’s team is doing to Trump what Putin did to Navalny. Trump is a political prisoner. To save America, if it’s still savable, Trump MUST WIN.
We must win over Tyranny.